Time to Bloom

So, over the years I have donated money to so many various causes ~ an independent video store in Bellingham wanting to transition to a non-profit, a friend’s son’s rock band raising money to tour, another friend’s daughter’s clown troupe raising money to fix their van so that they could tour Canada, because everyone needsContinue reading “Time to Bloom”

Working Together for the Common Good ~ Part Two

In wrapping up the Kids Give project, our elementary students spent time working out how much money was raised, after paying for groceries.  $160!  Next they spent time deciding where to send the money.  They decided to give to five different charities, and selected Orphan Acres, an organization that takes care of abandoned, neglected andContinue reading “Working Together for the Common Good ~ Part Two”

Working Together for the Common Good ~real practical life in action!

In December, our kindergarten and elementary students were invited to participate in a program called ‘Kids Give.’  This program is organized by a local group, “The Alternative Giving Market of the Palouse,” and in 2015 the money to fund the ‘Kids Give’ program was donated by our local Food Co-op through their ‘dime a bag’Continue reading “Working Together for the Common Good ~real practical life in action!”

Freedom of choice = respect for your child!

Recently, one of our students has blossomed into math.  Every day he completes challenging works in math, and is practicing excellent problem solving skills.  For example, with the multiplication bead board he found that 4 multiplied by 10 is forty.  To solve the problem 4 multiplied by 9, he started with forty, and counted backContinue reading “Freedom of choice = respect for your child!”