Outdoor Science School ~ day four. Inquiry projects

Today we returned to Sunnyside Park for our final day of our outdoor science school, and focused on inquiry projects.  The children divided into two groups the day before, and thought about what they were most interested in studying.  One group chose birds, and the other group chose more hunting for aquatic macro invertebrates ~Continue reading “Outdoor Science School ~ day four. Inquiry projects”

Outdoor Science School ~ Day three. It’s all about perspective!

Today we travelled by public transportation and a long walk to reach Roundtop Park, one of the highest points in Pullman, and a remnant of the original Palouse prairie.  Part of the challenge of today was the weather.  The temperature dropped about thirty degrees from yesterday, and there was a fierce cold wind blowing.  WeContinue reading “Outdoor Science School ~ Day three. It’s all about perspective!”

Outdoor Science School ~Day Two. It’s all about the water!

Today we had another beautiful day for our outdoor science school ~ blue skies, sunshine, high around 80, but a wonderful breeze!  We walked along the South Fork of the Palouse for a day focused on water.  Our morning base was under our favorite willow tree.  This tree provided us with much needed shade forContinue reading “Outdoor Science School ~Day Two. It’s all about the water!”

Outdoor Science School ~ day one

I am very excited to share each day of our first ever four-day outdoor science school.  We are very thankful to our sponsors ~ Schweitzer Engineering Lab in Pullman for a donation of $500, and to one of our grandpas who donated the other $500.  We are also thankful to Sawyer’s family for housing ourContinue reading “Outdoor Science School ~ day one”

Building Community

The values of our school are: child-centered, love of learning, diversity, dignity and community.  I try to keep these values in mind when I am considering everything from planning the calendar to fundraisers to hiring to . . . One of my favorite fundraisers of the school year (we do three each year) is ourContinue reading “Building Community”