How is testing used in a Montessori classroom?

Students in a Montessori elementary classroom are expected to show mastery of the material which has been presented. This is a cue for both teacher and student that it is time to move on to new material. For example, a student has been independently working on learning the names of states of the USA. HeContinue reading “How is testing used in a Montessori classroom?”

How is homework handled in a Montessori elementary program?

What about homework? At our school, like many Montessori elementary programs, homework is rarely or never assigned. Our philosophy is that our children do their best work all day, from 8:30 to 3:30, and that after school is time that is precious family time. Children need time to relax, daydream, imagine, read, hang out withContinue reading “How is homework handled in a Montessori elementary program?”

Three Favorite Things

My current three favorite things for today: Spontaneously being gifted two pieces of art work Hearing, “Ms. Bev, you are my best friend.” Watching a child take off with skip counting through the bead chains. She was so ready for this work! Lately, I have been asking the children to tell me their current threeContinue reading “Three Favorite Things”

Transitions and change

Transitions and Change We all cope with transitions and change in our own ways. Some of us are very flexible, while others prefer routine. We even differ in our ability to cope with change at different times of our life, even different times of the day. In my home, for example, we are set inContinue reading “Transitions and change”