Community Service

Recently I blogged about the service our elementary students provided to the larger community by raising money for five local non-profits.  They raised the money by planning, cooking, and serving over fifty lunches for donations.  The food was excellent, but what was even better was their sense of pride and teamwork. Now I am soContinue reading “Community Service”

Freedom of choice = respect for your child!

Recently, one of our students has blossomed into math.  Every day he completes challenging works in math, and is practicing excellent problem solving skills.  For example, with the multiplication bead board he found that 4 multiplied by 10 is forty.  To solve the problem 4 multiplied by 9, he started with forty, and counted backContinue reading “Freedom of choice = respect for your child!”

How is homework handled in a Montessori elementary program?

What about homework? At our school, like many Montessori elementary programs, homework is rarely or never assigned. Our philosophy is that our children do their best work all day, from 8:30 to 3:30, and that after school is time that is precious family time. Children need time to relax, daydream, imagine, read, hang out withContinue reading “How is homework handled in a Montessori elementary program?”

Three Favorite Things

My current three favorite things for today: Spontaneously being gifted two pieces of art work Hearing, “Ms. Bev, you are my best friend.” Watching a child take off with skip counting through the bead chains. She was so ready for this work! Lately, I have been asking the children to tell me their current threeContinue reading “Three Favorite Things”

Right from the start – helping develop your child’s early literacy skills

  This month at our school in communications with parents we are focusing on literacy development. I would like to share some memories, ideas and thoughts on literacy development for the prereader. One of my earliest memories of literacy development with my first born, Anna, is from April 30, 1981. April 30 is my birthday.Continue reading “Right from the start – helping develop your child’s early literacy skills”

Learning from our mistakes!

Montessori learning materials are sometimes referred to as ‘didactic materials.’ This is just a fancy way of saying ‘self-teaching.’ There is a ‘control of error’ built into the materials so that the children know when they have made a mistake and will persevere until they correct their mistakes, and in this way teach themselves. ThisContinue reading “Learning from our mistakes!”

When will my child read?

When will my child begin reading Books by Bob? Recently our teachers focused on ‘sensitive periods’ for our newsletter. This is what Ms. Jamey wrote about sensitive periods: A sensitive period is a period of sensitivity to a specific stimulus in which a child will be able to form an ability or characteristic, such asContinue reading “When will my child read?”