It never gets old!

So, almost thirty years after I first stepped into a Montessori classroom and began my Montessori journey, here I am, three hundred miles away from home, attending an eleven hours Montessori training for assistant teachers on my weekend.  And after working as a lead teacher for two year olds, three to six year olds, lower elementary, and being a director, there is still so much to learn.  That is part of the beauty of Montessori education ~ it grows with you.

It is the same for the children.  We have a rainbow puzzle that the children have used to make so many patterns.  And after many years, and being sure that we have seen all possible combinations, we are still amazed when a new arrangement is discovered by the children

Although Montessori education offers a solid structure, to support children’s learning and help them feel safe and secure, it is still innovative, creative, open ended, explorative, exciting and long lasting.  And that’s why it never gets old, even for teachers!


Published by bevfollowsthechild

Just realized that I have been involved in Montessori Education for over a quarter of a century (eek!), as a Montessori parent, teacher, and Director. Maybe I have some wisdom to share!

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